Have you ever considered the impact of biofouling on structures beyond just your boat? Barnacles, mussels, algae, and other organisms can attach to and damage piers, docks, intake pipes, and even oil rigs. That's where BARNACIDE® comes in - our eco-friendly anti-fouling coatings are designed to protect not just boats, but a wide range of marine infrastructure.
Our two-layered polymer coating uses different biologically active chemical agents in each layer to provide double the protection. The outer layer repels and prevents the immature forms of biofouling organisms from attaching to the surface, while the inner layer prevents any organism that penetrates the outer layer from growing and damaging the surface.
But the benefits don't stop there - our coatings are designed to last at least 5 years and are active against all forms of freshwater and saltwater biofouling. Plus, we're the only known preventative treatment for Sea Grapes that cause damage to submerged surfaces.
With multiple United States patents on our technology, you can trust that BARNACIDE® is a reliable and effective solution for protecting marine infrastructure. So whether you're a boater, a dock owner, or a member of the marine industry, consider the benefits of BARNACIDE® for protecting more than just your boat. For more information regarding BARNACIDE® products, contact us at support@barnacide.com

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